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what are we doing

Biodivercity - Bratislava and Vienna blossom together »

Since April 2024 our organisation The National Trust of Slovakia is a partner of international INTERREG SK AU project which part is also the renovation of historic Koch´s garden.

Bilateral initiative on historical parks and gardens »

Protection, management, maintenance and interpretation of historical parks and gardens - cultural landscape are the main topics of our international bilateral project with partners from Norway and Slovakia in 2023.

Wise trees »

The WISE TREE project has strong environmental and at the same time heritage protection aspect, as it focuses on ancient (more than 100 year-old) trees with historic and social value, which are living in protected historical and botanic gardens of the SK-HU border region.

Development of skills in heritage interpretation within the V4 countries »

The aim of the project is to offer current cutting-edge courses in heritage interpretation to participants in the Visegrad countries, but also involving Romania. The methods and tools provided in these trainings based on the standards of Interpret Europe, can offer a fresh approach on how to engage the audience in a meaningful and memorable way by putting topics in a wider context, offering a bigger picture of conservation and sustainability. This approach can help a paradigm shift of tourism practices as well, where the importance of quality and meaningful experiences grow, impacting lives locally and internationally.

Národný Trust n.o. is supported by

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